Friday, January 9, 2009

'the only thing that would have made this trip more productive would have been a powerball victory'

The Cocoa Beach Award 2009, as voted upon by her teammates, was given to Janel Kinard. The criteria was simply the person that had a great week of training and was a good teammate throughout the trip. Janel was very deserving and I'll get a picture up here once I get it from Jo-el.

The morale of the group remained fantastic during each practice ... there were some moments of unhappiness, soreness, sickness and ihateyouandyness...but all in all the women came down here with a mission to work hard and get better. I am very VERY proud of all their efforts. This was a great trip.............mission accomplished (too corny?).

Big shout out to Katie and Jo-el for doing an outstanding job with writing practices, dryland, motivation, van driving, ideas etc. way this trip goes as smooth without them.

We finished up our last practice of the Cocoa Beach training trip with an okay set.

400 @ 7:00
8 x 50 @ 1:00
4 x 100 @ 1:45

2 times through...the distance people did the 400 AO, the sprinters did the 50's AO, and the stokers did the 100's AO. When you were doing AO, you were OYO. It was a good one.


For next year's trip we will be staying at the Ron Jon Resort ... check it out.

... rooms may actually end up being cheaper per person!!

We will continue to train at the same facility...b/c it is awesome. (in fact we already have our lanes and times reserved!)

I will miss the daily Slurpee run, the freaking awesome sun, running on the beach, the wearing of flip flops and shorts daily, waffle house breakfast (yummy!) amoung other things.... won't miss the sand though, hate the sand!

Finally, tomorrow is our travel day ... the weather back home doesn't appear to be very condusive to air travel so wish us luck as we venture back to Lock Haven.

ps-today's blog title is a great quote by a great man (even if he can't finish a 40 ounce slurpee)... jo-el

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