Monday, January 5, 2009

meet morning

We had a splendid morning o' swimming. Nice long warm up swim of about 60 minutes (or an hour) and then had our mini meet with the women of Northern Michigan University. It was a pretty good/quick time for the women and they had some fun ... not sure if there was enough time spent to actually become facebook friends, but you never know.

Wal Mart run for the women this morning...hope there is a redbox :-) (movie rental 'thing' that Kim and I enjoy back in Lock Haven)

We are going again tonight at 6pm ... with an intense dryland and a practice that will be sure to produce another whitty Janel comment.

(all day off tomorrow)

Go Buckeyes!

1 comment:

EvilEd said...

Is redbox anything like Jimmy Miesenhelder was searching for on a training trip to Florida one year?
Am I the only one who reads these blogs? Why are there never any comments?
Go Buckeyes? Go where? Oh yeah, home with a season ending defeat on national tv...that's where!!!