Wednesday, December 19, 2012

No Lane Lines...And the Beginning of Winter Training!

Friday the ladies heard the three best possible words in the English language when it comes to being a swimmer at Lock Haven…”No Lane Lines”

Winter training is by far the hardest part of the season, and before we kicked it off we finished out finals week with an “hour of power”, where the women tread for a constant hour.

During that time, we had them pass around full jugs of water as a team. If they dropped it, it meant an all out 50 (without touching the sides). After a few 50s, it was very positive to see the team work together and accomplish the task without dropping it, even with 4 going at the same time.

Saturday morning was the kickoff of the most intense training phase of the season, with an hour dryland and a two hour practice. Its exciting to see our swimmers step up to the challenge and push themselves, and even more exciting to know that it is all for getting to that desired results at the end of the season!



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