Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Where Are They Now Wednesday--Ashley Gardner

Name: Ashley Gardner

Years at LHU: 2007-2011

Degree(s) Earned: Bachelors of the Arts in History, Aquatics Minor

Years You Swam: Fall of 2007-Spring of 2011

Best Events: 100 Back, 200 Back

Most Memorable Swimming Memory: Sophomore year training trip was by far the best swimming memory…”Is that Tommy the White Power Ranger!?” and various other quotes come to mind, as well as the Lucky Suit practice! I also really enjoyed being apart of the 2010 NCAA National meet as a volunteer!

Awards Received at School: The Golden Kickboard

Occupation/Title: Head Coach and Aquatics Director

Company: Waynesboro Area YMCA

Anything Else You’d Like To Share With Haven Nation: I’m really excited that one of my Waynesboro swimmers will become a Lady Eagle this fall! I’m really thankful that I swam on the LHU swim team because of the people that are now in my life. Thanks for the wonderful memories! Annnnnd I just had my swimmers do a “Swim Til You Die this week…Thanks Andy

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Where Are They Now Wednesday--Shannon Samanka

Name: Shannon Samanka

Years at LHU:  2005-2009

Degree(s) Earned:  Bachelor’s Degree in Sport Administration with a Minor in Coaching

Years You Swam: 2005-2009

Best Events:  500 Free & 200 IM.  (I swam a lot of the other crazy events, like the 1000 Free and the 1650.  I swam the 400 IM twice and I may have threatened to quit if I ever had to swim it again.)
Most Memorable Swimming Memory:  I have a lot.  I think all 4 years of swimming is my most memorable.  (I have a pretty bad memory when it comes to these types of things)
Awards Received at School:   I did get a pretty sweet award that was voted in my favor by my swimmer peers.  I got the 1st Cocoa Beach Award.  I busted my butt my Freshman Year and it was noticed…so that was pretty cool and a pretty humbling experience to receive that award!

Maiden Name:  My Maiden Name will be Samanka…when and if I get married!

Occupation:  I work in the Sporting Industry…so I’m pretty lucky to be working in the field that I studied for all those years ago.

Company:  I work for the MiLB team, the Myrtle Beach Pelicans.  Yes, I live in Myrtle Beach, be jealous!  I have a pretty nice tan right now (and most of the year)!

Title:  Box Office Manager (Queen of the Box Office)

Spouses Name:  I don’t have a Spouse.  But, I do have an awesome boyfriend…his name is Blake Barbee.  And if we get married, my last name is going to be Barbee, like the doll.  Another thing to be jealous about, I know!

Children:  I have 3.  PJ, Fee, and Gus!  (They are my animals!)

Anything Else You’d Like To Share With Haven Nation:  I met some of the best friends I have in my life currently from being a part of the LHU Swim Team.  I got my butt kicked with practices and it gave me the discipline I currently display in my day to day life.  Being a college athlete is probably the best thing I could have done with my life and I owe a lot of how I live my life now to being an athlete.  I couldn’t have asked for a better experience!  Although, since my last race in 2009, I haven’t done much swimming.  I’ll eventually get back in the water…sometimes it’s hard to just swim without someone telling you what to swim and in what order.  I’m not very good at coaching myself in that aspect.  I may have Coach Joel send me an easy workout when I get back in the water

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Where Are They Now Wednesday Questionnaire

We would like to highlight you on our blog throughout the summertime! We will do a feature of “Where are they now Wednesday” for our loyal readers every Wednesday. Please fill out the answers below and email them to You can fill in the blanks or write it out paragraph style, its all up to you! If you could also attach a picture of yourself as a swimmer and a more current one (families can be included,) that would also be very helpful. We have some AMAZING alumni that have gone off to do great things. LHU Swimming is always home, and we’d like to get to know you!


Years at LHU: 

Degree(s) Earned: 

Years You Swam: 

Best Events: 

Most Memorable Swimming Memory:

Awards Received at School: 

Maiden Name: 




Spouses Name: 


Anything Else You’d Like To Share With Haven Nation:

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Where Are They Now Wednesday--Coach Tom Justice

Coach Tom Justice

As I write this, I look back at the team pictures from when I coached. I learned SO MUCH from my swimmers. I took the job of coaching swimming in 1991, because the swimmers needed a coach . . . and no one else was willing to take the position. I later learned that they were going to drop the program altogether if they couldn't find a coach.

I remember asking the swimmers what they expected of me, were I to take the job. The one thing that came out loud and clear was, "We want to train in Florida!"

So, by God, the next winter I took them down to Florida, and we trained at the Hall of Fame pool in Ft. Lauderdale. I can never forget those days. [By the way, those two-a-days back at the Haven were really three-a-days for the old coach, because I also had volleyball practice. It was very difficult for my family, because I hardly saw them. I was under a lot of strain.]

I retired at age 67. I still live in Lock Haven. All my children live in the East. I spend my time writing a book on coaching and doing a lot of research for that. For my retirement trip, I went to Turkey, Greece and Crete. Last February I was in Ukraine, during all the protests where many people died. [My daughter-in-law is doing research over there.]

I still work-out. OF COURSE! But I can no longer run due to an artificial hip replacement.

Looking back, I wish I could have done more for my swimmers. BUT I am happy that these brave souls, along with me saved, the swimming program.

I have enclosed a picture from last summer's climb up Long's Peak in Colorado.

-Coach Justice

Coach Justice's official bio can be viewed HERE.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Where Are They Now Wednesday~Amanda (Palmer) Fenn

Name: Amanda Fenn

Years at LHU: 2006-2010

Degree(s) Earned: Bachelor of Science in Recreation Management with a concentration in Therapeutic and a Minor in Psychology

Years You Swam: 2006-2010

Best Events:200 IM, 400 IM, 200 Fly

Most Memorable Swimming Memory: Getting my personal best time in the 400 IM after 4 years of coming close, breaking the school record and making it back to swim at night at PSACs.

Awards Received at School: Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference Scholar Athlete Award. Outstanding Sophomore, Junior, and Senior in Therapeutic Recreation Award. 400 IM and 800 Free Relay Team Record Holder. Top 5 in the 200 IM.

Maiden Name: Palmer

Occupation: Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist

Company: Kindred Healthcare, Northeast Stoughton, MA Neurorehabilitation Unit

Title: Recreation Therapist

Spouses Name: Matt Fenn

Anything Else You’d Like To Share With Haven Nation: I love that everything you learn from swimming (dedication, hard work, time management) are functional skills you use in the real world. I love that when I complete a hard workout, either a long run or boot camp, I have vivid memories of certain LHU practices. I love stalking meet results and seeing how everyone does. Once a Haven Swimmer, always a Haven Swimmer!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Final Day of Camp!

Final day of camp saw a bit of a late breakfast and a 2 hour session covering all four strokes. This is a great bunch of kids and I am looking forward to hearing how they do this summer and beyond. Thank you all for being a great part of our first camp, we're looking forward to keeping it going!

Special thanks goes out to our staff that helped us throughout the week, Kasey Blesh, Rachel Vagnoni, Nicole Faulstick, Britt Rehrig, Jenna Brooks, Meghan Kuhn, LHU Camp Director Chaelim Choplosky and his entire staff.  


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Where Are They Now Wednesday~Judith North Pavlick

Judy is on the front row, left side of the 1978-1979 team picture

Name: Judith North Pavlick

Years at LHU:  1977-1980

Degree(s) Earned:  Bachelor of Science/ Health & Physical Education

Years You Swam:  1977 & 1978

Best Events:  Loved IM & Back, but you would find me in an outside lane and probably a length behind the rest of the swimmers

Most Memorable Swimming Memory: The friendships, locker room, & van rides. 

Awards Received at School: Lettered both years.

Occupation:  PE/Swim Teacher K-6

Company:  Heights Terrace Elementary/Middle School, 32 Years

Children:  3 Chris PSU'11, Gabby LHU '15, & Nick HAHS '15

Anything Else You’d Like To Share With Haven Nation:  My years at Lock Haven are some of my best memories of my 55 years.  Coach Nan Wood was more than a swim coach, she was a mentor & role model.  Dr. Cox gave us very realistic & practical advice (make friends with the secretaries & janitors).  Bruce Young was one of my favorite classroom instructors.  Sharon Taylor also was strong role model who wanted women to be treated equally.  You have to remember that back in the 70's gym classes were just starting to go co-ed.  Women had few sports teams besides basketball & cheerleading. 

If you are going to be a teacher, don't let all the data collecting they do in the schools scare you.  Don't be afraid to care for your students. Encourage them to be their best.  Attend their sporting events, plays, and dance recitals.  That means the world to them and THEY WILL REMEMBER YOU TOOK THE TIME TO CARE!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Haven Swim Camp Day 5

Great final full day of camp!

Swimmers took part in swimming the mile, many of which for the first time in their lives. Its great to see athletes go from thinking something is impossible to achieving.

I would like to give a big thank you to Mrs. Hannis and the entire Clinton County Historical Society for a great tour of the Lock Haven Heisey Museum. Their website can be viewed HERE.

LHU All American Jenna Brooks taught our swimmers Butterfly in the evening. I would again like to thank Jenna for coming in to help!

The talent show was full of some exciting talents from singing, to piano playing, to....interesting noises. The biggest takeaway is that we had a LOT of fun, and our swimmers are very talented kids!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Haven Swim Camp Day 4

Another fun filled day at our first ever Haven Swim Camp.  Yesterday we talked a lot about doing the "little things" and today it was all about giving extra effort and pushing past limits. We had a VERY intense dry land led again by Coach Rachel. Everyone had a teammate they were pared up with, and supported each other the whole time. Great pictures up top where swimmers had to do burpees and gave each other high fives (or in one group's case a fist bump)

Training session was a lot of sprinting, and our campers did a very solid job of giving max effort the whole time!

Today's video viewing was Rebecca Soni and we took a look at our very own 200 Medley Relay from the 2010 NCAA National Championship meet as explained by our own Coach Britt!

Speaking of which, Britt was our special expert coach for Breaststroke tonight and did a wonderful job. She covered all parts of the stroke and did so clearly with all campers. She even introduced them to their new "best friend", a tool to work on head position.

Relays were GREAT tonight. Its always fun when you hardly have to encourage athletes to cheer each other on, and it was fun to see all ages interacting with one another.

Looking forward to another fun filled day. Its unbelievable that this is our final full day of camp tomorrow. Last one fast one! Haven Proud!

Where Are They Now Wednesday~Diane (Sujansky) Taylor

Name: Diane Taylor

Years at LHU: 2003-2007

Degree(s) Earned: Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education/Social Sciences

Years You Swam: 2003-2007

Best Events: 50 Free, 100 Breast, 200 Breast

Most Memorable Swimming Memory: My most memorable swimming memory was our 2005 training trip to Coca Beach, Florida.  We had beautiful weather all week.  Andy Waeger did his best to torture us in and out of the pool.  During the week, we pitched in to buy an inflated raft, lovingly named the M-1.  We spent the week at the beach riding the waves in the M-1.  I believe we had a few near-death experiences.  Also, that was trip Andy bought us quite a bit of Cold Stone ice cream! 

Awards Received at School: School record holder (for a short bit of time anyways) - 50 Free, 100 Breast, 200 Breast, All PSAC honors, PSAC scholar athlete

Maiden Name: Sujansky

Occupation: Student Affairs Professional

Company: Carnegie Mellon University

TitleAssistant Director of the Career and Professional Development Center

Spouses Name: Josh Taylor, also an LHU alumni, Josh ran track from 2002-2006.  We actually got married on campus at LHU last year (7/13/13)

Children: 2 Siberian huskies, Max and Stella

Anything Else You’d Like To Share With Haven Nation:
-I also ran track for LHU (2003-2007)

-Currently, I am an assistant swim coach with the Jewish Community Center Sailfish swim team in Pittsburgh, PA

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Haven Swim Camp Day 3

I am very proud of the EFFORT that these swimmers are giving to this week of camp! The schedule we are running is pretty intense, and swimmers are taking advantage of the middle of the day free time to get a nap in. As each session progresses, I am excited to see our swimmers still bring it to every session!

Today was freestyle day, coached by coaches Kasey Blesh (distance) and Rachel Vagnoni (free). They both did a great job. Something I am loving about this camp is that we have the opportunity to share a large amount of experience in all strokes and distances and these campers are doing a wonderful job in taking it all in.

Coach Nicole and Meghan took the lead for kickball with the younger swimmers, and coach Rachel, Britt, and Kasey played ultimate frisbee with the older swimmers. Great fun and the kids seemed to have a fun time and are meshing together very well!

A special programming note, today for video viewing we watched the 2008 400 Free relay where Jason Lezak chased down Alain Bernard in the final leg to win it for the Americans. We had some campers that have never seen that, and it was inspiring even to this day to see swimmers get so excited for that race.

Productive day scheduled for tomorrow! Haven Proud all week!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Haven Swim Camp Day 2

Haven Swim Camp's first full day was a successful one!

Coach Rachel Vagnoni led us in dryland followed up by a pretty intense in water training session. A trip to Bentley was soon to follow. A few evening stroke sessions, video viewing, and a tye die activity and I would say it was a pretty successful first full day of Haven Swim Camp! Shout out to Coach Nicole Faulstick, who did an amazing job with the evening session. Set the bar pretty high!

Haven Proud!

Haven Swim Camp Day 1

Great first night of camp!

First stroke session of the first Haven Swim Camp covered all four strokes. Afterward we played some water games, two favorites of Sharks and Minnows and water polo!

Everyone got settled into the dorm and ready for a great week of camp! Proud of the start of the NEW Haven tradition!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Where Are They Now Wednesday~Brittany Williams

Name: Brittany Williams

Years at LHU: 2007-2011

Degrees Earned: Bachelor's Degree in Sport Management (Minors in Aquatics, Coaching and Sport and Exercise Psychology) Currently working on Masters degree in Sport and Exercise Psychology at LHU, considering an MBA at Colorado State University in Fall

Years You Swam: 2007-2011 (4 years)

Best Events: 50 Free, 100 Free, 100 Breast

Most Memorable Swimming Memory: There are so many to chose from, but two of my favorites was swimming 42x100s on our training trip in Florida my junior year and learning how far to push my limits. Without my girls beside me I wouldn't have made it through that set.

My second favorite memory was when Lock Haven hosted the 2010 NCAA Swimming Nationals in Canton, Ohio and I helped host and put together the event as well as cheer on all our qualifiers.

Awards Received at School: Cocoa Beach Award (Winter Training Trip, 2007), Sport Administration Outstanding Future Professional Award 2011

Occupation/Title: Aquatics Department Head

Company: Life Time Fitness-Colorado Springs

Boyfriend's Name: Ben Cornella

Anything Else You'd Like to Share With Haven Nation: I never imagined moving across the country and following all my dreams. Swimming was what brought me out here (to work with USA Swimming and all the Olympians) and end up in the position I am now. I owe my life to swimming and couldn't have imagined spending those 4 years with anyone else other than my teammates and sisters. Lock Haven will always have a special place in my heart and I will always root for my Swimmin' Women no matter where I go :)

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Where Are They Now Wednesday~Larry Gocella

Name - Larry Gocella

Years at LHU - 1951-1957 (Interrupted 9/1954–returned after Military Service 9/1956)

Degree(s) Earned – Health & Physical Education (Masters at Glassboro, NJ)

Years Swam – 1956

Best Event – Diving

Most Memorable Moment- Lycoming 1956 – hit head on ceiling before meet. Trying out “new” Fiberglass diving board. Sent to hospital for stitches-never participated in the meet!

Awards Received- Lettered in Football, Gymnastics, Swimming & Track

-Health & P.E. Pittsburgh (1 year)
-Health & P.E.  Milford, DE (5 years)
-Director of Athletics, Health, P.E. and Recreation – Pottstown, PA (1 year)
-Taught Methods and Materials courses at University of Delaware for 11 years.
-Taught Health, Psychology, English, Special Ed. High School -  Colonial District New Castle, DE (31 years)

Spouse – Margaret – deceased

Additional Information to Share With Haven Nation: Larry has been heavily involved in LHU for years since graduating. He attached info regarding the creation of the PennDel group of alumni, as well as the origins of the PennDel Endowed Scholarship

Origin of the Penndel 50's Club

    In December of 1996, 9 of Lock Haven's finest and accumulators of additional adipose tissue, met at the Susquehanna Club in New Cumberland, PA. (It is on the grounds of the old Defense Distribution Center) The purpose of the meeting was to re-establish ties with "friends" of the "Haven" who attempted to excel in some form of athletic endeavor during the late 40's and early 50's! (Most of us contributed, but rarely exceeded, the expectations of our coaches back then!) The gathering was considered, by most, to be successful and very enjoyable and the group, which has since been labeled "The Penndel 50's Club", decided to hold biannual meetings at the Club on the second Tuesday of April and first Tuesday of October. The reason for this schedule is to enable the "snowbirds" to find their way back north after a sojourn in warmer climes during the winter solstice!
          The original foray consisted of 4 from Delaware and 5 from Pennsylvania and if you succeeded in obtaining Junior Class Standing back then, you have surmised by now how we came up with the name! (We wanted it to be "Delpenn," but being outnumbered; the PA contingent insisted we flip a coin!)
          The meetings needed a transfusion of new ideas and faces and the group was not opposed to inviting spouses, significant others and a better class of individuals. Thus the infusion of the extended family of LHSTC grads and sophisticated ladies, improved the demeanor of the "Club."
          Our roster has grown to almost 100 and we are constantly endeavoring to "upgrade" the membership by contacting those we think would enjoy having the opportunity to dust off their "harassment" skills and joining us! Not everyone attends every meeting, but those who do, seem to enjoy themselves. Most of the membership is within a 2-hour drive from the site, but occasionally a few surprise us

          The 9/11 tragedy altered our plans somewhat and we could no longer meet at the Susquehanna Club. We settled on Angelina's on S. Front St. in Wormleysburg, PA and in April of 2005, decided that Duke's Riverfront Restaurant, just up the street about 150 yards was a more propitious location! Duke’s had a few obstacles that prevented some of our “geriatric generation” from navigating steps so, the meeting place has once again moved down the street next to the old Angelina’s and is now christened, Rock Bass! (We are now back at Duke’s since they installed an elevator!)

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Where Are They Now Wednesday~Jenna Brooks

Name: Jenna Brooks

Years at LHU: spring 2009-2012...was at Bloomsburg University my first semester freshman year

Degree(s) Earned: Bachelors in Athletic Training

Years you swam: Three

Best Events: 100 fly, 50 and 100 free

Most Memorable Swimming Memory: Qualifying for nationals 2 years and earning a third place finish in the 200 medley relay at the 2010 Canton, Ohio NCAAs.

Awards Received at School: 4 time PSAC qualifier with multiple all-psac honors and top 8 finishes, 2 time NCAA qualifier where I received a NCAA All American Award with a third place finish in the 200 medley relay, 4 awards for All American Honorable Mention, and received multiple Scholar All American status, which was recognized by the College Swimming Coaches Association of America. I hold 1 pool record at the LHU Natatorium along with 4 team records, 1 alumni record and the top time in the 100 fly on the all-time top 5 performers list.

Occupation: Part B claims MSP specialist

Company: Novitas Solutions (originally Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield)

Boyfriends Name: Justin Sherman 

Anything Else You’d Like To Share With Haven Nation: I look forward to the alumni meet every year. Also this past year I was able to give back to the community on what I have learned by being an assistant swim coach at Williamsport high school. I truly miss swimming and all of the friends I have made from it but I will always remember and cherish all of the memories I have made during my time at lock haven. Best of luck to the current and future LHU Swimmin’ Women!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Where Are They Now Wednesday~Rebecca (Rhoades) Carver

Name: Rebecca Carver

Years at LHU: 2003 – 2007

Degree(s) Earned: Sport Administration

Years You Swam: Freshman to Senior

Best Events: 500, 1000 and the 1650!

Most Memorable Swimming Memory: Swimming my second mile at PSACs trying to break 20 minutes. During the last 75 my dad was all upset in the stands thinking I wasn’t going to break 20 (he knows nothing about swimming) and my mom started yelling at him that I was going to break 19 minutes if I got moving. So my dad stands up and screams at the top of his lungs “SPRINT BEC!” and because there were only like 15 people in the pool area I heard him! I thought “oh man I must be going too slow!” so I sprinted, as much as you can after 1600 yards! And I broke 19 minutes, lifetime best in the 1650. And yes everyone thought my dad was crazy!

Awards Received at School: Most Outstanding Swimmer Award – 2005

Maiden Name: Rhoades

Occupation: Senior Program Director

Company: YMCA of York County

Title: Aquatic Director

Spouses Name: Kevin Carver (LHU Class of 2005)

Children: Chase, 2 years old

Anything Else You’d Like To Share With Haven Nation: I still use the workouts that Andy Waeger gave us for the Summer of 2006 when I swim…and I NEVER EVER do jumps…I would rather swim 7 1000’s during our winter training trip with bronchitis again!

Where Are They Now Wednesday 2014

LHU Swimming has produced some great swimmers over the years, but more importantly, has seen some great people involved in the program. Whether you swam at the pool at the Field House or here at Zimmerli, we'll be checking in all summer with swimmers from our history to see what they're up to!

May 21st 2014- Rebecca (Rhoades) Carver--2007 Graduate
May 28th 2014- Jenna Brooks--2012 Graduate
June 4th 2014- Larry Gocella--1957 Graduate
June 11th 2014- Brittany Williams--2011 Graduate
June 18th 2014- Diane (Sujansky) Taylor 2007 Graduate
June 25th 2014- Judy North Pavlick--1980 Graduate
July 2nd 2014- Amanda (Palmer) Fenn--2010 Graduate
July 9th 2014- Coach Tom Justice--Head Coach 1991-1998
July 16th 2014- Shannon Samanka--2009 Graduate
July 23rd 2014-
July 30th 2014-